Rhys Stevenson joined Atlas Translations as a Project Manager in November 2023.
After studying for his BA in German and Russian, Rhys spent a couple of years teaching in Zurich. During this time, he relished getting acquainted with the various Swiss dialects of the German language. After that, he completed a joint master’s degree in German and Comparative Literature at universities in Germany and Scotland.
Nowadays, Rhys lives in Edinburgh’s seaside suburb, Portobello, which he affectionately likes to call the ‘Costa del Forth.’ Sadly, the name hasn’t caught on, even though it really should have done.
Rhys put his language skills to good use in the travel sector while operating school tours across Europe. But he decided to leap into the translation industry in 2020. As a language enthusiast, Rhys Stevenson really enjoys his role as project manager, working on clients’ multilingual projects. This and the international dimension of the project management role—working with linguists from across the globe.
Outside of work, Rhys is a keen theatre-goer. Every summer, Rhys considers himself lucky to have the Edinburgh Fringe festival on his doorstep. He also likes getting involved with environmental and LGBTQ+ groups in his community, volunteering annually at a local Pride event.
Despite growing up in Yorkshire, which is famous for a ‘proper brew,’ Rhys (controversially) prefers coffee over tea. We don’t hold that against him, though!