Work With Us In-House!

We don’t have any in-house vacancies at the moment—watch this space!

Would you like to work with us in-house at Atlas Translations? We’re a small but busy team working out of our offices in St Albans, Bath, Bedford, Edinburgh, Exeter, and Manchester, offering fun and rewarding careers at Atlas Translations.

Work From Home

We offer a work-from-home environment, and in July 2019, we introduced the four-day week to help staff maintain a healthier work/life balance. No, salaries were not reduced.

Because of that transition, our staff safely worked from home during the COVID-19 pandemic.

We now offer a “your choice” working environment—you can work from home or at our head office in St Albans!

Childcare vouchers, working from home one day a week, NEST pension, bottomless tea and coffee, paid holidays and bank holidays are standard. We do not require any overtime, and, as mentioned above, we believe in a good work/other life balance. There is a monthly bonus scheme based on office financial turnover. A second bonus is paid based on individual projects, AND a quarterly bonus for the highest-performing project manager.

Applying In-House

We have recruited two additional staff this fiscal year (2023-2024), so we don’t have any PM vacancies at the moment. Happily, staff tend to stay at Atlas for quite a while, so vacancies are rare. If you’re interested in getting your CV in front of us for future openings, please email the team at

Make it personal and creative, and make us notice you (in a good way). Don’t forget to attach your updated CV. We will securely keep your details on file and contact you if something comes up.


Cake is so important that it gets its own heading. We love cake, and we’re not bashful about admitting it. Also, tea. Here at Atlas, cake will usually appear for a birthday or other “legitimate” excuse.

Out and About with Atlas!

If you want to learn about us and a career at Atlas Translations—this website, our blog, and our social media channels are great places to start.

We’re active members of our local business communities in the St. Albans, Devon, Manchester, Edinburgh, Bedford, and Bath areas. As communicators, we will talk to anyone about translation, localisation, and the language business as long as possible!

You might meet us at an exhibition, a career fair, a university careers evening, or the Language Show. Suppliers can sign up to attend our Open Days, which we hold twice a year. This is a free event; anyone can attend, even if you have not worked with us yet.


If you are looking for a placement or internship, please visit this page.


If you want to work with us as a freelance supplier, please do not just send us a CV. You need to have an initial conversation with us and then apply online.

Looking For Help With Your Languages CV?

If you are looking for help with your CV and applications in the languages sector on a broader basis, the CV Clinic with our director, Clare Suttie, might be for you.

For a charitable donation, Clare will review and provide feedback on your CV and other aspects of your business profile, such as your LinkedIn profile.

Contact Clare for more details.

Looking for Freelance Roles?

If you’re interested in freelance supplier work for Atlas Translations where you can use your languages across a range of interesting assignments, click below to find out more.

Click for More Info!

CVs with Clare & Team OC

Understand how to clearly present your achievements and experience when applying for work as a translator, interpreter, or Project Manager within the language industry.

Find out more here

Atlas have been translating (policy documents) for us into several languages since 2004. They are friendly and efficient and have always provided accurate and cost-effective translations well within the agreed deadlines.

Oxford Policy Management

Atlas provided another high-quality French translation of one of our policy briefs. They respond quickly to our needs and delivered a document that we were confident to send straight to printing and distribution. We’re happy to include Atlas as one of our trusted partners.

Future Agricultures Consortium

What an excellent and prompt service! Thank you very much for the extremely fast turnaround and efficient service.

Scottish Prison Service

The translator did an impeccable job. The translation notes were not only helpful but showed a tremendous dedication to the task and outstanding professionalism all around. A very special thank you to Atlas.

Sistemas Congnitivos (SISCOG)

I was particularly impressed with the speed in which you turned the work around, and the quality of the work was excellent. Many thanks. It was a pleasure working with you.

Snell & Wilcox

ATC – Full membership of the ATC (Association of Translation Companies).

CIEP – Corporate membership of the CIEP (Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading) since 1993.

Corporate membership of the ITI (Institute of Translation and Interpreting) since 1994. Corporate Member of the Year 2021.

ISO 17100 – ISO 17100:2017 for Translation Services (since this standard began, in 2008, externally audited annually).

ISO 9001 – BS EN ISO 9001:2015 (certified since 2003, externally audited annually).

Living wage employer – As a living wage employer, we believe our staff deserve a wage which meets every day needs.

Mindful employer

Mindful employer – We are a mindful employer, working toward achieving better mental health at work.


Disability confident committed – We are Disability Confident Committed, ensuring our recruitment, communications and support are inclusive and accessible.

4-day week

4-day week employer since 2019


Good Business Charter Member since 2022

The Slator Language Service Provider Index (LSPI) is a ranking and an index of the world’s largest translation, localization, interpreting, and language technology companies.


The Patient Information Forum promotes access to trusted and high-quality health information for the public and healthcare professionals.

Federation of Small Businesses and the Self-Employed

Member of the Federation of Small Businesses and the Self-Employed

Prompt Payment Code

Signatory of the Prompt Payment Code since 2023.

Accredited with the Fair Tax Foundation since February 2024

Registered with the ICO since 2004.

Go to for more information.