The Atlas Supplier Open Day – November 2013
We now hold a Supplier Open Day twice a year – a great chance to meet people who work with us and who want to work with us.
November’s day was the busiest to date, with over 70 people in attendance.
We love meeting existing and potential suppliers – meeting people face to face helps us build relationships and reminds everyone that although this industry can be a bit solitary, if you make an effort to meet with others you can really benefit and pick up lots of useful contacts and information. It was fantastic that there was such a buzz in the room, what a pleasure to watch everyone chatting, laughing and exchanging information.
Back at our desks the next day, we were already thinking about what we can do for the next Open Day – and finishing the cakes which were left over.
We had a CAT tools talk was by Marie Lucchetta. Stephen Boalch led a discussion on Speech Recognition. A talk on marketing followed by Kate Adam and finally Jason Sammon talked about Social Media.
We did over-run on timings so we didn’t have as much time as we would have liked to talk about Atlas and take questions. We were quite excited that the Mayor of St Albans popped in at the end of her busy day and she was thrilled to meet translators and interpreters from St Albans and much, much further afield!
Everyone took a Buddy (the logo bug) home, and we look forward to seeing photos of him in interesting locations – for a chance to win a monthly prize! Do ask if you’d like a bug – we’ll post you one out.
If you have ideas and suggestions for our next Open Day, or if you’d like to give a presentation – let us know!