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Posted on18 August 2015

Happy Father’s Day 2015

This Sunday (21st June) is Father’s Day 2015 in the UK. People take this day to celebrate fatherhood by taking their fathers (and sometimes grandfathers) out for a meal, often with the giving of cards and gifts.

In Thailand, Birthday of the King, is set as Father’s Day. The current king, Bhumibol Adulyadej’s birthday falls on 5th December. On this day Thai people will wear yellow in a show of respect for the king.

Brazilians celebrate Father’s Day (Dia dos Pais) 3 months after Mother’s Day, on the second Sunday of August. In the mid-1950s Sylvio Bhering selected this date in honour of Saint Joachim. It is not an official holiday, but many people celebrate the occasion.

In Germany, Father’s Day (Vatertag) is celebrated differently from other countries. It is always celebrated on Ascension Day (the Thursday 40 days after Easter). It is also known as men’s day, (Männertag) or gentlemen’s day (Herrentag). Groups of males go hiking, taking along small wagons called Bollerwagen. These wagons contain wine, beer and traditional regional food. Many men use this holiday as an opportunity to get drunk.

Father’s Day in Argentina is celebrated on the third Sunday of June, but there have been attempts to change the date to August 24, to commemorate the day on which the “Father of the Nation” José de San Martín became a father.

How do you celebrate Father’s Day in your culture?

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