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Posted on11 July 2022

Proud Member of the Good Business Charter

Building Bridges with the Good Business Charter

Here at Atlas Translations, we’re passionate about demonstrating our inclusive attitude and forward-thinking outlook in everything we do. From being a Mindful Employer to creating the St. Albans Bra Bank, our progressive business practices are part and parcel of who we are. That’s why we’re delighted to achieve accreditation with the Good Business Charter. This exciting certification recognises responsible business behaviour and good practice in a wide range of areas. Read on to find out more about what this accreditation means for us.

What is the Good Business Charter?

Achieving accreditation with the Good Business Charter recognises that a business has demonstrated positive practices in ten key components: real living wage, fairer hours and contracts, employee well-being, employee representation, diversity and inclusion, environmental responsibility, paying fair tax, commitment to customers, ethical sourcing, and prompt payment.

Unlike some other certifications, the Good Business Charter requires an organisation to show responsible behaviour in all ten of its measured components before they are awarded accreditation. That means that GBC accreditation illustrates clear forward-looking conduct across the board.

Promoting a Progressive Environment

Attaining GBC certification forms part of our larger ethos, which helps us to ensure positive practices throughout our work. Other ways we’ve demonstrated responsible behaviour include being recognised as a Living Wage employer and promoting accessible practices through the Disability Confident Committed program. 

In 2019, we implemented a 4-day working week for our staff, with official accreditation from the 4-day week campaign. We’ve also shown our commitment to positive and open conversations about mental health through the Mindful Employer scheme.

Growing with the Good Business Charter

We think that the Good Business Charter is a fantastic way to express our commitment to positive and sustainable practices in all areas of our work. From client outreach to internal inclusivity, achieving GBC accreditation is a testament to the friendly and innovative working environment we strive to maintain.

We’re excited to continue to display valuable practices through all of our work at Atlas Translations. If you’d like to learn more about how the Good Business Charter is informing our practices, connect with us to learn more. You can give us a call on 01727 812725, email us at or get in touch via our website. 

ATC – Full membership of the ATC (Association of Translation Companies).

CIEP – Corporate membership of the CIEP (Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading) since 1993.

Corporate membership of the ITI (Institute of Translation and Interpreting) since 1994. Corporate Member of the Year 2021.

ISO 17100 – ISO 17100:2017 for Translation Services (since this standard began, in 2008, externally audited annually).

ISO 9001 – BS EN ISO 9001:2015 (certified since 2003, externally audited annually).

Living wage employer – As a living wage employer, we believe our staff deserve a wage which meets every day needs.

Mindful employer

Mindful employer – We are a mindful employer, working toward achieving better mental health at work.


Disability confident committed – We are Disability Confident Committed, ensuring our recruitment, communications and support are inclusive and accessible.

4-day week

4-day week employer since 2019


Good Business Charter Member since 2022

The Slator Language Service Provider Index (LSPI) is a ranking and an index of the world’s largest translation, localization, interpreting, and language technology companies.


The Patient Information Forum promotes access to trusted and high-quality health information for the public and healthcare professionals.

Federation of Small Businesses and the Self-Employed

Member of the Federation of Small Businesses and the Self-Employed

Prompt Payment Code

Signatory of the Prompt Payment Code since 2023.

Accredited with the Fair Tax Foundation since February 2024

Registered with the ICO since 2004.

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