Translation Agency Tips: #50: You’ve delivered your translation. Now what?

So you’ve delivered your translation by email (on time!) and are not waiting for a proofread version or the answers to any queries you’ve raised, now what? Let’s take a look at some tips on things to do in the days and weeks following your first assignment with a new client.
Next Hour
Hopefully your client will have confirmed receipt of the translation. If not, perhaps follow up to make sure they have. If they haven’t answered their email maybe call them to make sure they’ve got it.
Next Day
The day after you’ve delivered your first assignment is a good time to follow up with your client. Were they happy with the quality? Did you deliver everything correctly? Is there anything they’d like you to do differently next time? Welcome any feedback they can provide on the quality of your translation. Keep a note of this and take it on board for the next time. Also remember to submit your invoice in accordance with the client’s procedures.
Next Week
Hopefully now you’ve heard from this new client again since the first assignment, but if you’re not, contact them a week later to check if there’s any reason why not. Chances are the client will just not have had any suitable projects in, but if there is an issue there be sure to find out as soon as possible. Just a friendly email confirming your availability for new projects would suffice.
Next Month
By now hopefully you’ve worked with your new client a few times. If not, try contacting them again to find out why. From this point on it is worth making a point to contact your client every so often to confirm you’re still actively available for work in your language(s) and field(s). You may just strike lucky and time the email just as your client gets a new project in your language combination.
Anything we’ve missed? Please leave a comment below.