Translation into Welsh
Posted on15 September 2017
Translation into Welsh Thinking about translation into Welsh? Welsh is a fantastic example of a regional language that has faced multiple struggles and attacks on the culture throughout history,...
Translation Agency Tips: #37: Tips for an editing/amending assignments
Posted on27 October 2016
You’ve just delivered a translation to a client and you’re about to make yourself a cup of tea before you start working on a new project. Sounds like a...
Translation Agency Tips: #22 Tips for proofreading a translation
Posted on20 May 2016
While thinking about proofreading for this blog topic, I was immediately reminded of reading Eats, Shoots and Leaves a few years ago and this quote sums up my feelings...
5 Tips for proofreading – avoiding Olympic failure!
Posted on22 April 2012
5 Tips for proofreading – avoiding Olympic failure! You may well have read about the proofreading translation blunders made by First Capital Connect and the Westfield Shopping Centre (posters...